Breast Reconstruction Houston, TX

Offered at our convenient location in Houston, TX

Losing one or both of your breasts to cancer can be an extremely traumatic experience. Undergoing a reconstructive procedure that recreates your perky, voluminous and natural-looking chest can dramatically improve the way you feel – both physically and emotionally. And perhaps best of all, your new chest can help you begin to move forward – putting your experience with cancer behind you for good.


Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure that restores the shape and appearance of a woman’s breasts following a mastectomy or other surgery. This procedure can help with physical and psychological benefits, such as providing a sense of security, restoring the natural shape and contour of the breast, improving self-image and self-confidence, restoring symmetry with the other breast (if needed), and allowing women to wear clothing of their choice.

Depending on your unique needs, Dr. Sukkar offers two distinct breast reconstruction surgeries to his patients : breast implants or a flap reconstruction.

Each option comes with its own set of pros and cons, and Dr. Sukkar will help you determine which one is in your best interest. With a flap reconstruction, Dr. Sukkar will remove skin, fat and muscle from your abdominal area, back or buttocks. He will then transfer that tissue to your chest to create your brand new breasts. This is an extremely popular option because the results look and feel just like natural breasts, and using your body’s own tissue means you’re less at risk for an infection or any complications.

The other reconstruction option is breast implants. In some cases, you may require tissue expansion prior to undergoing this procedure, to ensure there’s enough space for the implants. In this case, Dr. Sukkar will use an expander to stretch the remaining skin over a period of weeks. Once the expansion process is complete, Dr. Sukkar will make a well-hidden incision and place your brand new implants. This is a terrific option for many women because it’s less invasive than the other approach. It’s also ideal for very thin women, who don’t have enough excess fat to use for a flap reconstruction.

Ideal Candidate

As long as you are now cancer-free and want to rediscover your feminine appearance, there is a very good chance that you will qualify for our Houston breast reconstruction. To be certain, we invite you to schedule a private consultation in Dr. Sukkar’s Houston plastic surgery office, so he can provide you with personalized guidance regarding whether or not this procedure is right for you.

The Clinic for Plastic Surgery can help determine if breast reconstruction is right for you. Some of the common concerns that can be addressed with this procedure include the following:

  • Misshapen or asymmetrical breasts
  • Loss of sensation in the breast area
  • Breast size that is not proportional to the body
  • Scarring caused by mastectomy or other procedures

You may be a good candidate if you meet the criteria above and don’t have any medical conditions that contraindicate breast reconstruction. A consultation will help ensure the best outcome for your individual needs.

Types of Reconstruction

Flap Reconstruction

Flap reconstruction is the most common type of breast reconstruction procedure. It involves using tissue from other body parts, such as the abdomen, buttocks, or back to reconstruct the breast. This procedure offers the patient many physical and psychological benefits, including a natural-looking breast shape and size, improved anatomy, and enhanced self-image.

Breast Implants

You can restore the look and feel of breasts after mastectomy or other procedures with breast implants. This procedure can give you a more natural look and feel and improve the symmetry of your breasts.

Nipple Reconstruction

Nipple reconstruction restores the nipples following a mastectomy or other breast surgery. This procedure can help improve the look and feel of your breasts as well as restore sensation in the nipples.

3D Areola Tattoo Restoration & Pigmentation

3D Areola Tattoo Restoration and Pigmentation is an advanced non-surgical technique that creates a realistic appearance of a natural nipple and areola to improve the aesthetic appearance. It has been an important restorative cosmetic procedure for many breast cancer patients, as well as an ideal option for those individuals who may not be pleased with the size, shape, or color of their areola’s natural appearance.


Women opt for breast reconstruction for many reasons. However, one thing the majority have in common is self-confidence. Not having any confidence in yourself can deplete your quality of life. Here are some of the benefits breast reconstruction can provide:

  • Improved self-image and confidence
  • Natural shape and contour to the breast
  • Restore symmetry with the other breast (if needed)
  • Improved anatomy and size of the breast
  • Enhanced clothing options
  • Increased sense of security
  • Improved sensation in the nipples (if nipple reconstruction is done)
  • Improved quality of life


At The Clinic for Plastic Surgery, our goal is to ensure you receive the best breast reconstruction Houston has to offer. Once Dr. Sukkar has reconstructed your flawless breasts, he may have you stay in the hospital overnight for close monitoring, or he may send you home right away to begin the healing process. Your experience will depend on your unique needs and how you responded during surgery.

For the first ten days after the procedure, you can expect to feel weak and unable to perform daily tasks normally. There will likely be some swelling and bruising, however it will subside on its own as you progress through the healing process. In general, you will be able to resume many activities within the first week, with a full return to your normal lifestyle within three weeks.


During the initial consultation for breast reconstruction Houston breast surgeon, Dr. Sam Sukar, will discuss your individual goals for breast reconstruction and provide you with a complete evaluation of the procedure. We will also explain the types of reconstruction options available and discuss your medical history to ensure you are a good candidate for the procedure. In preparation for the breast reconstruction, you may need to have specific tests done and obtain medical clearance from your primary care physician. You should also discuss your medications with your physician to ensure they don’t interfere with the surgery. Finally, you should stop smoking and drinking alcohol for at least two weeks before the procedure.

Choosing an Implant Size

The size and type of implant used depend on various factors, including the patient’s anatomy, desired results, and lifestyle. During your consultation, our team will discuss available options and help you select the right implant size to achieve your desired results.

Types of Implants

We offer various implants to suit the needs of our patients. These include saline and silicone breast implants. The type of implant used will depend on the desired outcome.

Silicone vs Saline

  • Silicone implants are soft, natural-feeling, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They often create a more natural-looking result than saline implants and can last for 10 to 20 years.
  • Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water and provide a more predictable size. They are less expensive than silicone implants but can feel and look more rigid than their silicone counterparts.

Smooth vs. Textured

Smooth implants are the most popular type of implant and create a natural-looking appearance. On the other hand, textured implants have a rougher surface and are less likely to move around inside the breast.

Teardrop vs. Round

Teardrop implants mimic the natural shape of a woman’s breast, while round implants provide more fullness. Teardrop implants are generally chosen for women who desire a more natural look, while round implants are preferred for those who desire a fuller appearance.

High, Moderate, and Low Profile

High-profile implants are the fullest, offering a rounder and fuller appearance. Moderate-profile implants provide a natural look that is slightly less full than high-profile implants. Low-profile implants are the most petite and offer a more subtle result.

Breast Implant Incisions

The type of incision used for breast reconstruction depends on the size and shape of the implant, as well as the patient’s anatomy.


The transaxillary incision is made in the armpit, so there won’t be any visible scars on the breast. During this procedure, the implant is inserted through a tiny incision in the armpit and placed into a pocket created by the surgeon. This method is ideal for those who want minimal scarring.


The inframammary incision is made in the fold beneath the breast, and it’s one of the most popular methods used in breast reconstruction. This technique minimizes scarring on the breast and allows for greater precision in implant placement.


The areolar incision is made along the edge of the areola, the dark area around the nipple. This method provides less scarring than other incisions and a more natural, aesthetically pleasing result. It also allows for greater accuracy when placing the implant.

Trans-umbilical breast augmentation (TUBA)

Trans-umbilical breast augmentation (TUBA) is a unique approach to breast augmentation. TUBA involves an incision made around the navel and does not leave any visible scarring on the breast. This method offers precise placement of the implant for a more natural-looking result. This technique avoids any scarring on the breasts, making it a popular choice for those who want minimal scarring and a more aesthetically pleasing result.

Why Choose Dr. Sukkar?

Dr. Sam Sukkar is a much-admired, board-certified Houston plastic surgeon whose ground-breaking procedures have earned him the unwavering trust his patients and the community. At The Clinic for Plastic Surgery, we understand breast reconstruction is a profoundly personal decision. That’s why Dr. Sukkar and our highly trained medical professionals strive to provide the highest level of care and attention.


Can I get Breast Reconstruction surgery after a mastectomy?

Yes, breast reconstruction is often done with a mastectomy to restore the shape and appearance of the breasts. Breast reconstruction can be done at the same time as a mastectomy (immediate reconstruction), or it can be done later, separately (delayed reconstruction).

What are the risks associated with Breast Reconstruction?

Breast reconstruction surgery is generally safe, but there are potential risks associated with any surgical procedure, such as infection, bleeding, and adverse reactions to the anesthesia.

Will I need to have someone drive me home following a Breast Reconstruction?

Yes, you will need to arrange for a trusted friend or family member to drive you home after the procedure and help assist for the first few days.

Will there be considerable scarring following a Breast Reconstruction?

There will be some scarring associated with a breast reconstruction procedure. However, our highly-skilled surgeons take great care to minimize the amount of scarring and ensure the best possible results.

Will I have to modify how I sleep after a Breast Reconstruction?

You will likely need to sleep on your back in a reclining position for the first few days after your procedure to ensure your breasts remain in the correct position.

What is a good age to get a Breast Reconstruction?

The best age for a breast reconstruction depends on the individual patient and the specific goals they wish to achieve.

Is Breast Reconstruction permanent?

Yes, breast reconstruction is a permanent solution for restoring the shape and appearance of the breasts. However, the procedure results may change due to aging and poor lifestyle choices.

How much does a Breast Reconstruction cost?

The cost of a breast reconstruction procedure will vary depending on the patient’s unique needs and goals.

Will my insurance cover a Breast Reconstruction?

Insurance usually doesn’t cover the cost of breast reconstruction. Check with your insurance provider, or ask about our financing options, to find out what you can do to get the breast reconstruction you want.