Breast Reduction Houston, TX

Offered at our convenient location in Houston, TX

Breasts that are too large for your frame can cause problems like self-consciousness and back pain. Furthermore, large breasts tend to sag more and may cause your nipples and areolas to appear overly large. Breast reduction surgery can reduce such issues by removing excess tissue to sculpt smaller, lifted breasts. With less excess weight in your breasts, you will experience relief from related discomfort and realize a more proportionate appearance. The board-certified surgeons at The Clinic for Plastic Surgery are experienced at performing breast surgery and offer patients some of the best breast reduction Houston has to offer.

Before and After Photos


Breast reduction surgery offers patients the ability to remove excess tissue for cosmetic and practical purposes. To begin your breast reduction, Dr. Sukkar will administer general anesthesia to ensure your comfort and safety.

From there, your surgery will be completely customized based on your unique needs. For example, if you have extremely large breasts, Dr. Sukkar will likely recommend a traditional anchor technique. This is the most common type of breast reduction, but it’s also the most invasive. It involves creating an incision that begins around the nipple and extends down the front of the breast and along the crease, so that it looks like an anchor. Because this technique allows for the most skin and tissue removal, it also produces the most dramatic results.


With smaller breasts, you will feel more confident and comfortable. Your breasts won’t interfere with your ability to perform physical tasks, and your back and shoulders will be free from pain caused by excess weight. Furthermore, you can achieve all-around more attractive breasts by adjusting other imperfections simultaneously during your Houston breast reduction procedure.

Ideal Candidate

  • Your breasts cause shoulder and back pain
  • Your breasts have begun to sag dramatically
  • Your nipples and areola appear overly large
  • You want smaller, more manageable breasts

Large, heavy and cumbersome breasts can take an enormous toll on your physical and emotional wellbeing. When this occurs, Dr. Sukkar, one of the top providers of breast reduction Houston has to offer, can sculpt breast


If you are looking at getting a breast reduction, cost can play a big part in the decision made.

The average cost of breast reduction surgery is over $5,000 and may not include surgeon fees, anesthesia, or facilities fees. Insurance may cover the cost of breast reduction surgery should a medical need exist. Review your current plan, and ask us about financing options available during your consultation.

Scarless Breast Reduction

And finally, if your breasts feature more fatty tissue, rather than glandular tissue, you may qualify for an innovative scarless breast reduction.

In this case, Dr. Sukkar will use liposuction to remove the excess volume and sculpt smaller and more manageable breasts. To perform this procedure, he will make a small incision within each armpit or in the bottom crease of each breast.

He will then use a cannula to gently break up and remove the fatty tissue. This approach is very appealing because it results in minimal scars and is substantially less invasive than the other two breast reduction techniques.


If you have a moderate amount of volume that needs to be removed, a vertical incision technique may be in your best interest. In this case, Dr. Sukkar will make an incision that begins around the areola and extends down to the breast crease, so that it looks like a lollipop. This results in less visible scars when compared to the traditional anchor approach. Additionally, it’s a less intensive option, so you can look forward to a shorter procedure.

Ancho Inciscion

If you have extraordinarily large breasts, your surgeon may administer an anchor incision. Although this is the most invasive breast reduction technique, it is also the most commonly used because of its ability to produce the most dramatic results. For this method, your surgeon will create an incision around your areola, then vertically toward the bottom of your breast. The incision will then continue along the crease of the breast to create an anchor shape. This technique allows your surgeon to remove the most significant amount of skin and tissue and is considered the traditional breast reduction method.

Lollipop Incision

If you are seeking moderate breast reduction, your surgeon may apply the lollipop technique. For this type of breast reduction, your surgeon will create an incision around the areola and vertically down the front of the breast. This method involves less visible scarring than the anchor technique, as it does not include an incision along the breast crease. The lollipop technique also allows for a shorter procedure than the anchor technique.

Scarless Breast Reduction

If your breasts possess more fatty tissue than glandular tissue, you may be a candidate for scarless breast reduction. This method involves liposuctioning excess fat from your breasts to sculpt smaller breasts that will better suit your frame. For this method, your surgeon will create a tiny incision within each armpit or in the bottom crease of each breast through which they will insert a thin cannula to break up and remove fat carefully. This technique offers the least scarring and is the least invasive of the three breast reduction techniques.


Once Dr. Sukkar has completed your Houston breast reduction, he will dress you in a surgical bra to support your new chest, before sending you home to begin the healing process.

During the first several days after surgery, it’s normal to experience some pain, grogginess, weakness, swelling and bruising – though it will all disappear as you recover. You should stay home from work for at least one week, at which point you’ll be able to resume much of your normal daily routine. Within three weeks, our Houston breast reduction patients can expect to make a full return to more strenuous exercise and activities without any restrictions.


If you’re ready to explore your options for breast reduction in Houston, we invite you to schedule a consultation at The Clinic for Plastic Surgery today. During your private meeting in our Houston office, we will carefully assess the cosmetic imperfections you’d most like to address, before creating a custom treatment plan designed to sculpt the exquisite appearance you deserve.

What is a good age for breast reduction?

Even though patients in their mid-teens can usually undergo breast reduction surgery safely and effectively, some surgeons recommend that patients wait until the age of 18 to undergo breast reduction surgery.

Will I lose weight as a result of my breast reduction?

Because breast reduction surgery removes excess tissue, the amount of weight you lose will only be that of the removed tissue. Therefore, you should not approach your breast reduction procedure as a weight-loss treatment.