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Blepharoplasty in Houston, TX

Look and Feel Younger and Less Tired With Eye Rejuvenation

One of the first places that starts to show the signs of aging is our face, and this is all the more true when it comes to our eyes. As our eyes and eyelids age, our whole face tends to take on a more “tired,” less youthful look. Our eyes look hooded or droopy, with sagging skin forming on either the upper or lower eyelids. This can have a subtle, depressing effect on your confidence, and you may find you feel as tired as people say you look! Fortunately, there is something you can do about it. Our Houston blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is one of your first vital steps in eye rejuvenation.

Houston blepharoplasty patient model laughing


Often combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures, such as a facelift, a blepharoplasty can help give the eyes back a wider, more lifted look. It addresses sagging and fatty skin around the eyes, removing it and redistributing it to tighten the skin.

Utilizing precise cosmetic surgery techniques, it can address many common concerns such as bulging, hooded upper eyelids, bags under the eyes, drooping eyelids (ptosis), and any asymmetries. With all the techniques to address these, a blepharoplasty is able to take years off of your appearance leaving you with a new and refreshed look!


While often combined for total facial rejuvenation, there are different techniques used in blepharoplasty to address each area of concern. The upper and lower eyelids pose unique challenges, and these area each dealt with in different ways. Very often these techniques are done at the same time, resulting in an overall lifted look for the eyes. These are some of the different types of blepharoplasty and what they are each used for.


If you're looking for a way to restore your vision, reduce drooping and sagging skin, and give yourself a more youthful appearance, an upper blepharoplasty may be the answer. In this procedure, the doctor will make careful incisions and remove excess fat and skin from the upper eyelid. In this way, your upper eyelids can be revitalized, leaving you with a more awake, refreshed look.


Aging can cause sagging skin, wrinkles, and puffiness under the eyes, resulting in a fatigued or aged appearance. Lower blepharoplasty is an effective surgical procedure that offers a youthful revitalization of this area by removing excess skin from the lower eyelids. This innovative method provides long-lasting results for those seeking to diminish signs of aging and restore their vibrant looking complexion.


Double blepharoplasty, also known as Asian blepharoplasty or double eyelid surgery, is a type of eyelid surgery that creates an upper eyelid crease. This procedure can help to make the eyes look larger and more symmetric, giving them an almond-shaped appearance. It can also help reduce puffiness and light sensitivity in the eyes and address issues such as watering eyes, double vision, numb eyelids, swelling, and bruising.


Our Houston blepharoplasty can transform your aging eyes into a bright and youthful new expression. When performed by a leading plastic surgeon like Dr. Sukkar, the procedure can:


If you want to brighten up your eye area and rediscover the vibrant expression of your youth, eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, may be just the solution you’re looking for. To be considered an ideal candidate for the procedure, you should be at least 18 years of age, in good general health and without any conditions that may impact the procedure, such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes or high blood pressure.

Eyelid surgery can address the following aesthetic concerns:

  • Excess skin or fat around the eyes
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes
  • Puffy upper eyelids
Houston Blepharoplasty patient model resting her head in her hands


A blepharoplasty can be a major part of rejuvenating your facial features and helping you look and feel younger again.

If there’s something you’ve never liked about the way your eyes look, you can do something about it. With a blepharoplasty you can help reverse a “fixed” sad, tired, and angry expression, correct heavy upper eyelids, as well as address lower eyelids that are drooping, remove excess fat, skin, bags, and puffiness under the eyes, and improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and crow’s feet.

Our Houston blepharoplasty patients enjoy these top benefits:

  • Improved vision
  • Smoother forehead
  • Restoring a younger shape above the eyes
  • Looking more rested and alert
  • A boost of confidence
  • More positive social interactions
  • Reduced eye bags


Your blepharoplasty will be performed under general anesthesia, which means you will be unconscious and unable to feel a thing throughout the procedure.

To begin, Dr. Sukkar, one of the top providers of Blepharoplasty Houston has to offer, will make a precise incision below the lower lash line, expertly hiding the cut within your natural creases and contours. Through that opening, he will remove precise amounts of fat, muscle and skin to eliminate puffiness, improve the appearance of bags, tighten the area and smooth wrinkles.

From there, Dr. Sukkar will make an incision in the creases of the upper eyelids, ensuring any resulting scars are completely hidden from view. He will then remove any excess skin that’s causing your upper eyelids to droop, before repositioning the underlying muscles and tightening the skin for a smooth and youthful new look. Throughout this entire process, he will be careful to dramatically improve your appearance, while avoiding the pulled back and artificial look that accompanies poorly performed procedures.


Blepharoplasty cost varies because the procedure will be tailored to achieve your aesthetic vision. A basic procedure may cost as little as $1,500 and could go as high as $6,000 depending on the areas targeted and the range of procedures used. Schedule a consultation to find out more. Experience the rejuvenated results of an eyelid surgery. Give us a call!


Whether or not your insurance will cover your eyelid surgery depends on what type of procedure you have done. If you are having the surgery for cosmetic reasons, your insurance is unlikely to cover it. However, suppose you are having surgery to correct functional problems such as drooping eyelids or vision impairment due to excess skin. In that case, your insurance may cover some or all of the cost. Talk to your doctor if your vision makes driving, reading, working, or normal daily activities difficult to manage.


Once your blepharoplasty is complete, you will be sent home to begin the recovery process.

During the first few days, your eyelids will feel tight and sore, and you may experience some swelling. To minimize these effects, you’ll be advised to apply cold compresses and use eye drops as directed to lubricate your eyes.

Throughout the initial recovery period, you’ll need to avoid any activities that may dry out your eyes, including using a computer, reading and wearing contacts. In about one week, you’ll need to return to the office so Dr. Sukkar can remove your sutures, and within ten days you should be able to return to your normal daily activities. Once you’ve resumed your normal daily routine, you’ll need to continue taking special care to protect your eyes from damage. For example, it’s recommended that you avoid exercise for at least four weeks and wear dark sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun and wind.

Houston Eyelid Surgery patient model with black hair


The results of upper eyelid correction usually last for five to seven years, while lower blepharoplasty results can be permanent. Many people who have had blepharoplasty report feeling more self-confident, younger, and more rested.

It is important to note that you cannot stop the aging process with blepharoplasty; however, it does allow for long-lasting results that can help you look more youthful.


The eyes have a large effect on the appearance of the face, making a blepharoplasty a vital part of renewing your facial features. However, you aren’t limited to just the areas around your eyes. Pairing eyelid surgery with other cosmetic surgery or non-surgical treatments can deliver stunning aesthetic outcomes.

Even the most basic blepharoplasty can be improved by adding additional procedures, such as:

  • Facelift
  • Brow lift
  • Neck lift
  • Cell-enriched fat grafting
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Laser resurfacing

The important thing is to talk with your doctor and work out a comprehensive plan that will get you the stunning results you want. You should leave our office feeling refreshed and confident, ready to show your vibrant new face to the world. The right combination of cosmetic surgery procedures will do just that.


If you’re ready to learn more about eyelid surgery, we invite you to schedule a consultation at the clinic for plastic surgery today.

During your private meeting, our Houston Blepharoplasty providers will carefully assess the areas you’d most like to address, before creating a custom treatment plan for just for you.


Eyelid surgery is generally not painful, as the procedure is usually done under local anesthesia to ensure your comfort.

While blepharoplasty is generally recognized as the best way to get significant, long-lasting results when it comes to eyelid rejuvenation, there are non-surgical options that have benefits. For example, injectables and dermal fillers can address wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes and give the eyes a more lifted appearance. Ask your doctor if non-surgical options or a full blepharoplasty would be right for you.

A well-performed blepharoplasty can take years off your appearance, with some who got the procedure reporting that it took as many as ten years off.

A blepharoplasty is a very long-lasting procedure, with results generally lasting about 10 to 15 years or longer. However, this does not stop the effects of the natural aging process, which may necessitate a second procedure in the future.

Yes, blepharoplasty can make your eyes appear bigger or wider. This is a common effect when sagging skin around the eyes makes them appear artificially smaller. With this procedure, the eyes generally take on a more lifted, awake appearance making them appear bigger or wider.

From the first time you walk into The Clinic for Plastic Surgery, you’ll know that you are in a place that cares about results. Under the leadership of Dr. Sukkar, The Clinic for Plastic Surgery has become Houston’s plastic surgery center of choice. Experience the difference for yourself by scheduling a consultation today.

14018 Aesthetic Circle, Houston, TX 77062