(281) 940-1535 Appointment

Deep Plane Facelift in Houston, TX

Offered at our convenient location in Houston, TX

A deep plane facelift is an advanced cosmetic surgical procedure that restores a youthful contour to the face. Utilizing the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) layer and even deeper layers to tighten the overall musculature of the face, this surgery can provide longer-lasting and more comprehensive results. (1)

Our Houston deep plane facelifts tackle the internal structures of the skin to lift them and rejuvenate the face from the inside out. If you are experiencing signs of facial aging, a deep plane facelift is a highly effective way to address them, providing natural-looking rejuvenation results. Dr. Sam Sukkar is a double board-certified plastic surgeon with a reputation for compassion and professionalism. With over 10,000 plastic surgery procedures performed, Dr. Sukkar is a wise choice for patients looking to receive a deep plane facelift and this particular surgery is one of his many specialties. To schedule a consultation at The Clinic for Plastic Surgery in Houston, contact us directly by calling (281) 940-1535. We also provide an online contact form to fill out at your earliest convenience.

About the Deep Plane Facelift

As we age, gravity and volume loss take their toll on facial shape. The skin starts to sag, creating unsightly jowls and excess skin and fat collection on the mid and lower face. Deep plane facelifts target these symptoms directly by separating the skin from the muscle underneath.

This gives the surgeon enough room to properly reach the deeper layers and to perform effective suturing of these tissues. Once the surgeon reaches the deep plane, they work on separating it from the fascia found underneath. Resecting down into this layer releases the retaining ligaments that affect tissue movement. Once the surgeon has lifted these tissues, they address the facial deep plane by suturing it higher onto the internal fascia to create the lift. Addressing the muscles underneath allows for the skin sutures to have very little tension. This leads to less noticeable scarring and a smoother healing process. (2)

deep plane facelift patient model in a silky tan shirt looking over her shoulder

Deep Plane Facelift vs. Traditional Facelift

Unlike other facelift techniques that primarily target the skin and superficial layers, a deep plane facelift focuses on repositioning the underlying subcutaneous tissue and muscle layer. This comprehensive approach ensures optimal lifting and tightening of sagging skin, particularly in the midface area and jowls. With a deep plane facelift, patients can enjoy much more natural and effective results that are more difficult to achieve with a traditional facelift.

  • Preserving the vital nerves of the face
  • Tightening the SMAS and platysma muscle
  • Addressing areas of excess fat and skin in the neck
  • Redraping cervical and facial skin and trimming the excess
deep plane facelift patient model with her hair behind her ear

Benefits of a Deep Plane Facelift

A deep plane facelift can remedy the following:

  • Jowling or sagging around the mouth
  • Banding or excess tissue around the neck
  • Noticeable wrinkling around the midface
  • Sagging cheeks
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Unwanted facial dimpling
  • Outer eyelid drooping

This type of facelift provides more natural-looking results than traditional methods. Dr. Sukkar uses great effort to create a renewed facial contour without making patients look "windswept" or perpetually surprised.

Ideal Candidates

The ideal candidate for a deep plane facelift is:(2)

  • Between the ages of 40 and 60
  • A non-smoker
  • In good overall health

They may have:

  • Pronounced and noticeable facial ptosis (sagging)
  • Midface wrinkles and imperfections
  • Jowling
  • Undereye bags
  • Skin collection around the neck and chin

If you have recently noticed jowling below your cheeks, or have always disliked how the skin around your neck looks, schedule your consultation to discuss your facelift options with us today.

Personal Consultation

During your consultation for your deep plane facelift Houston plastic surgeon, Dr. Sukkar, will examine your facial features and determine if deep plane facelift surgery is right for you. Come prepared to talk about your complete medical history, including any prior facial surgeries and allergies. He will ask you what you want the surgery to achieve, and assess your aesthetic goals to make sure a deep plane facelift is the best way to accomplish them.

He will also take time in the meeting to explain to you what the procedure process will be like, including details about recovery. Dr. Sukkar will walk you through your treatment plan step-by-step to best prepare you for the procedure. You will have plenty of time to ask questions and voice your concerns before a member of our staff assists you in scheduling your surgery date. If you are interested in learning more about Dr. Sukkar and cosmetic surgery in general, follow our blog to read on.


To prepare for your deep plane facelift, you must stop all consumption of tobacco and nicotine products before your surgery date, as well as refrain from using them throughout your healing process.

The chemicals in these products greatly affect your ability to heal quickly and properly. You should also stay away from all anti-inflammatory medications, which will thin your blood. For at least a month before your procedure, maintain a balanced diet to encourage a healthy immune system. It is also important that you follow any additional preoperative instructions given to you by Dr. Sukkar.

deep plane facelift patient model laying on her bed resting her face against her hand

Deep Plane Facelift Procedure

Before your surgery starts, Dr. Sukkar will carefully mark the face in the necessary areas. We will take you into the operating room and administer general anesthesia. This ensures you are unaware during the procedure, making it completely pain-free. Dr. Sukkar carefully plans the incisions, usually within the hairline and around the ears, to minimize visible scarring. The precise placement of these incisions may vary depending on the patient's unique facial anatomy and desired outcomes. After making these incisions, he carefully separates the skin from the underlying SMAS layer.

Dissection in the deep plane gives Dr. Sukkar access to lift and reposition the deeper tissues of the face, including the muscles and fat pads, to achieve a more youthful and natural-looking result. Once the deep plane dissection is complete, Dr. Sukkar lifts and repositions the SMAS layer to address sagging and restore facial contours. After lifting and trimming the excess skin, he redrapes the remaining skin over the repositioned tissues for a smoother and tighter appearance. The surgery is complete after Dr. Sukkar wraps your face to control swelling and to keep your sutures protected. (2) Deep plane facelifts usually take around 5 to 6 hours to complete. If your surgical plan includes a neck lift, this process may take longer.


After you wake up from surgery, you will be cleared to go home after monitoring, but you will not be able to drive yourself. It is important that you have a trusted adult to take you home and stay with you for 1 or 2 days to assist you and monitor your progress.

In the first postoperative week, patients notice some swelling and bruising which can sometimes persist for up to 6 weeks after surgery. Patients can manage discomfort with prescription medications. Patients often take at least 1 to 2 weeks off from work to get through the initial recovery stages after a deep plane facelift. After the first week, the swelling will start to dissipate and Dr. Sukkar's clinical team will remove the stitches. Your recovery period continues for the next 9 to 12 months, with cosmetic results gradually settling in over time.

deep plane facelift patient model looking over her shoulder


After a deep plane facelift, many patients notice that their jawline is much more structured. Their cheeks are fuller and the bags under their eyes are less noticeable.

Once the swelling goes down, they see a dramatic decrease in excess skin around the neck and lower face, providing a smoother, more youthful appearance. The results of this procedure last anywhere from 10 to 15 years, sometimes longer depending on the patient's circumstances. Deep plane facelifts do not, however, stop the effects of time on the skin. We recommend that you incorporate a diligent skincare and sun protection routine to maintain your beautiful results for a longer time.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures

Deep plane facelifts only address the mid and lower face. To address drooping eyelids or a permanently furrowed brow, patients should consult with Dr. Sukkar to discuss a combination surgery.

These procedures are easily combined with a facelift, and adding them to your surgery may even save you healing time in the long run. During your consultation, ask Dr. Sukkar if any of these other surgeries might benefit you and your quest toward facial rejuvenation. To address the upper half of the face, patients may include blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) or a brow lift to their procedure plan to further enhance their results.

Cost of Deep Plane Facelift in Houston

The price of your deep plane facelift will be determined after a thorough consultation at our office. The Clinic for Plastic Surgery has many different financing and payment options available to patients. Dr. Sukkar explains every detail of the process, including a cost breakdown, during your visit. To schedule your appointment today, please call us directly at (281) 940-1535.

deep plane facelift patient model sitting down with her eyes closed

Deep Plane Facelift FAQs

How does a deep plane facelift help with facial aging?

Facial aging is characterized by sagging skin, loss of volume, and the development of wrinkles and folds. A deep plane facelift addresses these concerns by lifting and repositioning the underlying tissues, restoring youthful facial contours, and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. By targeting the deep layers of the face, this procedure can effectively address signs of aging in the midface, lower face, and neck region.

How many facelifts can a patient safely receive in their lifetime?

If a decade has passed, and the patient is fit for surgery and looking for more facial rejuvenation, then a secondary facelift can be safely performed. Most patients who undergo a deep plane facelift only need one.

Is deep plane facelift scarring noticeable?

When performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon like Dr. Sukkar, the scarring fades nicely and becomes much less noticeable as you heal. With time, the scars continue to fade until they are barely perceivable, especially if your hair is down.

How do I know if a deep plane facelift is right for me?

Determining whether a deep plane facelift is the right procedure for you requires a thorough consultation with a facelift specialist. During this consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your facial anatomy, discuss your goals and expectations, and recommend the most suitable treatment plan to achieve your desired results.


  1. Raggio BS, Patel BC. Deep Plane Facelift. PubMed. Published 2021. Accessed December 7, 2023. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK545277/
  2. Baker SR. Deep Plane Rhytidectomy and Variations. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America. 2009;17(4):557-573. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsc.2009.06.003

From the first time you walk into The Clinic for Plastic Surgery, you’ll know that you are in a place that cares about results. Under the leadership of Dr. Sukkar, The Clinic for Plastic Surgery has become Houston’s plastic surgery center of choice. Experience the difference for yourself by scheduling a consultation today.

14018 Aesthetic Circle, Houston, TX 77062