NeoGraft Houston, TX

Offered at our convenient location in Houston, TX

Neograft  Houston, TX

Hair loss affects men and women of virtually any age. For younger people with this problem, hair loss can cause them to appear significantly older than they are.

However, hair loss can profoundly affect your self-confidence, regardless of your age or gender. Balding or thinning of the hair has long been considered challenging to treat, with previous hair restoration techniques lacking effectiveness and discrete results. NeoGraft is a cutting-edge system that restores hair more effectively and efficiently than past treatments, without visible scarring. In addition, NeoGraft is non-invasive with minimal downtime, causing far less trauma than a traditional hair transplant. The Clinic for Plastic Surgery is excited to offer some of the most groundbreaking hair restoration Houston has to offer, with NeoGraft.


Most men and some women experience some degree of hair loss over time. Thinner, finer hair or balding areas creates a dramatic change in your appearance, leaving you looking older, which is especially distressing for younger people.

Earlier hair transplant procedures were only moderately effective, and older techniques of hair follicle harvesting left a linear scar that made it impossible to wear shorter hairstyles. With the revolutionary NeoGraft system, however, we can perform an automated, minimally-invasive hair transplant on almost anyone, leaving no visible scars and effectively restoring your look – in less time, with less trauma.

The NeoGraft system uses suction (pneumatic pressure) to harvest individual donor hair follicles gently. This process is referred to as follicular unit extraction or FUE. The NeoGraft system was designed to remove hair follicles more gently and has a very high success rate for extracting healthy, producing hair follicles without damage – for a more successful result in an implant.


In addition to the control and consistency that this system provides, NeoGraft is significantly faster than manual harvesting and implantation. Some of the benefits of NeoGraft are:

  • Superior results. NeoGraft is proven to be effective at restoring your youthful hairline, much more so than earlier treatments where a much lower number of hair follicles survived the transplant procedure.
  • Minimal pain. because the process is very gentle to your scalp, there is minimal pain and discomfort – both during and after the procedure.
  • Rapid recovery. most patients return to normal activities within a few days of the procedure, and after seven to ten days, your newly transported hair will be integrated into your scalp and the new hair growth process will begin.
  • No visible scarring. the NeoGraft system pulls the individual donor follicles using a pneumatic vacuum system, making tiny incisions that leave scars so small they are virtually invisible.
  • No stitches or staples. the incisions made using NeoGraft are tiny – so we don’t need to use any staples or sutures to heal them – the healing occurs naturally.

Ideal Candidates

Both men and women can benefit from NeoGraft. It is appropriate for those who wear their hair long as well as those with shorter hair. (In fact, it is a superior option for those who prefer short back or side hair.) NeoGraft is available to patients of any ethnicity or skin type. Dr. Sukkar will make the final determination regarding your eligibility for NeoGraft, but certain factors will increase the likelihood that is the right choice for you:

  • Your hair loss should not be so advanced that the supply of donor follicles could be insufficient
  • You should be in generally good health
  • If you have had an earlier procedure that left you with a visible and embarrassing linear scar, a NeoGraft treatment can be an excellent way to camouflage the scar


Neograft  Houston, TX

You will receive local anesthesia for your one-day NeoGraft hair transplant to ensure your comfort during treatment. You may also need to trim your donor hair before your treatment begins.

Then, while you relax comfortably, your Houston plastic surgeon will use the pneumatic power of NeoGraft’s handheld device to gently remove healthy hair follicles from the donor site for transplant. Male patients will likely have their donor hair extracted from the back of their head, as this is the area most resistant to baldness. Female patients, however, may have their hair harvested from other areas. Next, your surgeon will pay close attention to your personalized Houston hair transplant plan as they create recipient sites throughout the target area. Finally, the harvested hair follicles will be sorted by size before being individually placed in a random, natural-looking pattern throughout the treatment area.


Immediately following your treatment, your scalp may swell, and you may experience mild discomfort treatable with over-the-counter pain medication. It is essential that you do not touch your hair with your hands, a comb, or any other item that might dislodge your newly implanted follicles.

You will be able to return to work within one to five days of your treatment. You will be able to resume light exercise 48 hours after your treatment, though you should wait one week to engage in strenuous activity. Around ten days after treatment, you will be able to return to your regular daily hair care routine, including brushing and shampooing. You will be able to receive a haircut after two weeks and hair color after four weeks.


It will take some time for your hair transplant results to develop. While your grafted hair will shed and regrow within three to four months, you can expect to see the most significant growth between five and twelve months after treatment. Your results will continue to improve up to 18 months after your NeoGraft hair transplant.


Most clients seeking hair restoration are unsure about price, but 95% of our Houston NeoGraft hair restoration patients said it was worth the cost.


If you’re ready to learn more about plastic surgery for men, we invite you to schedule a consultation at The Clinic for Plastic Surgery today.

During your private meeting, our Houston NeoGraft providers will carefully assess the areas you’d most like to address, before creating a custom treatment plan for just for you.


Will I have scars?

The NeoGraft system is then used to implant the hair follicles in a random pattern throughout the targeted area on your scalp, creating a natural-looking result. NeoGraft doesn’t produce the “hair plug” look that was typical of earlier procedures because of the innovative way that individual follicles are implanted – not the visible rows of older techniques. Neograft produces superior results, is far more comfortable to experience, takes far less time, does not involve incisions and stitches.

How should I prepare for my NeoGraft hair transplant?

At least two weeks before your surgery, you should cease any topical hair treatments in addition to any medications or supplements that may thin your blood. You will also need to avoid alcohol and smoking in the days before your treatment. If you have light hair, your surgeon may have you dye your hair three days before your treatment.

Do you have to shave your head for NeoGraft treatment?

Not necessarily. The only way to know the details of your personalized NeoGraft treatment is to discuss your treatment with one of our skilled surgeons.