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Breasts are one of the most prominent features on a woman’s body. Every woman wishes for that pair of full, round, and perky breasts. Unfortunately, breasts are the first structures to undergo changes when the body is put through hormonal changes.

Breasts tend to droop and sag during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, sudden weight gain, and weight loss. Sagging breasts can affect a woman’s confidence.

This is why a number of women opt for breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation is performed by making an incision on the breast and then inserting a suitable implant.

Which type of incision is used for different types of implants?

The primary aim of the incision is to allow the surgeon a greater vision of the field and also to aid in the placement of the implant.

Saline implant

A saline implant is rolled into a very small structure and then inserted through the incision into the breast. It is attached to a detachable tube which inflates the implant after it has been inserted into the breast. Once the implant is fully inflated, the tube is disconnected, and the incision is sutured.

Essentially, saline implants do not require a very large incision. Surgeons can insert the implant through an incision made under the breast. Usually, the length of the incision is just about 4 cm. This length is moderate, allows clear vision, reduces the risk of infection, and speeds up recovery.

Silicone implants

Silicone implants come pre-filled, meaning that unlike saline implants, they cannot be inflated after placement. This means that the incision required for silicone implants is quite large. The size of the incision is up to the surgeon. In most cases, the incision length measures upwards of 5 cm in length.

Incisions either along the breast fold or in the armpit are best for the placement of silicone implants.

Incisions in the armpit can leave behind a scar, but it has many benefits including there will not be much loss of nipple sensation as is likely in the other cases. However, when opting for this kind of incision, it is best to seek the help of someone who is highly experienced in this field of surgery in order to avoid any complications.

Gummy bear breast implants

Gummy bear implants are similar to silicone implants with the advantage that gummy bear implants feel more natural.

These implants require longer incisions for proper placement, and incisions along the breast fold are best for such implants. It allows for easy insertion and offers a better field of vision for the surgeon.

Round breast implants

Round implants are one of the most popular choices in breast implants since it gives a full and rounded appearance to the breasts.

The preferred type of incision for a round breast implant is either in the armpit or along the breast fold. Incisions around the areola are not preferred for such implants as it complicates the process.

Smooth breast implants

Smooth breast implants are inexpensive and long-lasting implants. These are already pre-filled, which means, the implantation requires large incisions. The incision is made along the breast fold which facilitates faster healing and minimal scars.

Breast Augmentation In Houston

Dr. Sukkar is a leading plastic surgeon in the Houston area, specializing in breast augmentation and other body procedures. If you have considered getting breast enhancement surgery then you should make an appointment to see Dr. Sukkar today.