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For most of my patients seeking to remove excess pockets of fat with liposuction, I recommend VASER® Liposculpture. With this unique technology, I am able to selectively remove fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. With traditional liposuction, it is more difficult to remove fat as precisely because it does not allow for the same level of control offered by VASER® Liposculpture. The technique I use, called “high definition,” or “Hi Def” allows me to create shape and contour that can meet each patient’s individual needs. The VASER® High Definition Liposculpture procedure also differs from traditional liposuction because it generally causes less bruising and less trauma to my patients. This advantage is another reason why it is my preferred method of fat reduction. More importantly, though, VASER® Hi Def is actually able to remove more fat than traditional liposuction, because it is able to address the superficial layer of fat. This layer of fat is not able to be removed with traditional methods, which only address the deep and middle layers of fat. VASER® Hi Def allows me to treat all three layers, and gives me the ability to precisely remove fat so that I can carefully reveal the athletic figure you’ve worked so hard for!


For more information about VASER® Hi Def Liposculpture, or to schedule a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Sam Sukkar, please contact us today.