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Everybody wants to look and feel good all the time. Unfortunately, due to circumstances that are not in our control, our appearances tend to become aesthetically displeasing. Hair loss is one such condition that we cannot predict or control. Thousands of men and women all around the world find themselves losing hair due to various reasons, including genetics, environmental factors, stress, habits, etc.

There are several hair restoration methods today thanks to modern cosmetic medicine. While everybody desires a full head of hair, not many are cut out for surgical restorative techniques. Surgical hair transplant can often lead to complications and side effects which could result in more hair loss. These techniques are also rather expensive. If you are looking for something lesser invasive and easier on the pocket, then you should consider undergoing a non-surgical hair restoration procedure.

Non-surgical hair restoration options

For individuals who are not very fond of the idea of surgical hair loss treatment options, there are a few non-surgical non-invasive options they could try. Here are the most common options.


There are a few FDA-approved medicines available in your local pharmacy that could help control and reverse hair loss. The most common drugs are finasteride and minoxidil. Your doctor will determine the cause of your hair loss before they decide if medication is the right way to treat your hair loss.

Laser therapy

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is the most recently developed option to treat hair loss. This treatment stimulates your hair follicles, leading to an increase in hair growth from the cellular level. This type of hair loss treatment is safe and highly effective with little to no side effects whatsoever.

FUE hair restoration

This treatment is known as follicular unit extraction, a minimally-invasive method that involves transplanting individual follicles to your scalp from a donor site. In a couple of months, new hair will begin to grow on your scalp, leaving you with a head full of natural lustrous hair.

Weaves, extensions, and wigs

If you are looking for a temporary means to hide your hair loss, then you should explore wigs, weaves, and extensions. These hair replacements or additions are easily fitted on your scalp or along your existing hair. They help improve volume, cover bald spots, and give you a natural look. A specialized cosmetic doctor or professional hairdresser can help fit these for you.

Why choose non-surgical hair restoration options

As mentioned earlier, surgical hair restoration techniques can sometimes be dangerous. As is with any invasive procedure, you are at risk of side effects and complications. The most common side effects of surgical hair transplantation include hemorrhage, hair thinning, itchiness, cysts, numbness, etc. Another major reason why surgical techniques are not the best option is that they leave scars. You choose to undergo hair restoration to improve your looks, not live with visible scars for the rest of your life.

Non-surgical hair restoration offers little to no risk of side effects or complications. In some cases, the results can be seen almost immediately after the treatment. These techniques also require minimal recovery time, which means you may be able to resume your regular schedule right after the session.

For the best hair restoration options in Houston, contact Dr. Sukkar’s clinic today.