Liposuction Houston, TX

Offered at our convenient location in Houston, TX

Liposuction Houston, TX

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that can remove stubborn pockets of fat that refuse to burn away through diet and exercise. It is a targeted treatment, removing cells that store fat from specific parts of the body, rather than a treatment for weight loss. It is most effective at removing fat cells that have resisted diet and exercise which have otherwise brought you to a healthy and sustainable weight. (1)

At The Clinic for Plastic Surgery, Dr. Sam Sukkar offers expertly performed liposuction procedures that can sculpt the body you’ve always wanted. For more information, call (281) 940-1535 or contact us online.

Before and After Photos

About Liposuction

Liposuction is a highly effective surgical intervention that addresses localized fat deposits, providing transformative results in body contouring. With the use of a cannula (a long, thin, hollow tube), Dr. Sukkar can remove substantial volumes of fat from various areas of your body with minimal incisions and downtime. As a result of decreased volume beneath the skin, the overlying skin will be able to tighten around your slimmer, more youthful shape. 

The most common areas of the body for liposuction include:

  • Abdomen and Love Handles: It can effectively smooth out bumps and rolls on the abdomen, get rid of a muffin top, enhance six-pack muscle visibility, and draw in the waistline for a narrower silhouette.
  • Around the Buttocks: It can make your derriere more perky, shapely, and sculpted in appearance.
  • Thighs: It is an excellent solution for women who store fat in the inner and outer thighs, leaving the legs slimmer and reducing friction and discomfort during exercise.
  • Back and Flanks: From bra rolls to flank fat, it whisks away fat deposits for a flatter, more athletic-looking back.
  • Chest: Male chest liposuction gives the chest a more chiseled and masculine appearance.
  • Arms: Treating upper arm fat with liposuction can get rid of flab between the elbow and armpit, also known as “batwings”.
  • Neck and Chin: It can reduce a double chin, giving the neck and jawline a more defined appearance.

The board-certified Houston plastic surgeons at The Clinic for Plastic Surgery have the experience and finesse to produce consistent, beautifully sculpted, and natural-looking results. Liposuction can be performed alone or in conjunction with other cosmetic surgeries and procedures, such as a facelift, breast reduction, or tummy tuck.

Advanced Liposuction Techniques

At The Clinic for Plastic Surgery, Dr. Sukkar offers among the most advanced liposuction techniques available today. Leveraging innovative technology and fresh approaches, these treatments are designed to give you the sculpted and defined physique you want – with minimal downtime, discomfort, and side effects.

Tumescent Liposuction

In the past, liposuction almost always required general anesthesia. With the introduction of tumescent liposuction in smaller and more localized areas, some patients now have the option to undergo surgery with local anesthesia or IV sedation. Before extracting the fat through a cannula, Dr. Sukkar infiltrates a tumescent fluid containing lidocaine, a powerful local pain reliever, and epinephrine, which minimizes bruising and blood loss. 

VASER Liposuction

Standing for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance, VASER liposuction uses ultrasound frequencies to break down the bonds between fat cells. This technique helps to separate the fat from the surrounding tissue that stores it, ensuring a smoother method of removal than traditional liposuction methods. With VASER, there is less damage done to the body and therefore less downtime for recovery necessary. (2) 

VASER Hi-Def Liposuction

In some cases, Dr. Sukkar utilizes a more specialized version of VASER liposuction: VASER Hi-Def. The Hi-Def technique involves more than just fat removal. Once the bulk of the ultrasound-treated fat has been removed, Dr. Sukkar can actually reshape and contour the musculature that has come to the surface in the absence of excess fat. With VASER technology, Dr. Sukkar meticulously controls fat removal to create six-pack abs, as well as enhance lats, pecs, obliques, triceps, biceps, and deltoids. 

PowerX Lipo

The revolutionary PowerX System offers the fastest way to sculpt the impeccable body contour you deserve. This liposuction approach removes unwanted fat and sculpts a flawless physique while doing very minimal damage to the surrounding structures, ensuring a rapid healing process.

Smart Lipo

Smart Lipo is a laser-assisted method that melts the fat before it is removed from the body. This type of liposuction is less invasive than traditional liposuction and has a quicker recovery time. The laser-assisted cannula prepares the fat for removal, causing less trauma to the body. This method works best for patients with minimal amounts of excess fat and with little need for cosmetic contouring. 

Benefits of Liposuction

Achieving a more contoured body that enhances your appearance in clothing and swimsuits can be elusive, despite a healthy diet and regular gym workouts. Liposuction may be a great option for individuals whose body shape remains resistant to traditional lifestyle efforts.

When the procedure is performed by a leading Houston plastic surgeon like Dr. Sukkar, it will provide you with irresistible physical and emotional benefits, including:

  • A balanced, proportionate, and more attractive body shape
  • A permanently improved body contour
  • Sculpted, toned, and defined body features
  • The ability to feel more confident and comfortable in your skin

Liposuction is a safe and effective way to eliminate unwanted fat, and sculpt contoured body features – so you can love the way your body looks. As one of the top providers of liposuction Houston has available, Dr. Sam Sukkar can help you achieve that.

Who is a Candidate for Liposuction?

To be considered a candidate for liposuction, you need to be close to your ideal body weight and possess realistic expectations for what the procedure can accomplish. You should not be pregnant or breastfeeding, or suffer from chronic conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure. 

Ideal candidates: 

  • Are nonsmokers
  • Are aged 18 or older
  • Have a BMI of 30 or less
  • Have good skin elasticity
  • Are fit and healthy overall
  • Have no serious medical issues
  • Committed to a healthy lifestyle
  • Not currently breastfeeding or pregnant

Can Liposuction Help Me Lose Weight?

Liposuction is not intended for weight loss but for body contouring. As such, it will eliminate small pockets of excess fat while refining and sculpting your physique – but it won’t cause you to lose a substantial amount of weight.

Personal Consultation

Liposuction Houston, TX

Before undergoing any cosmetic treatment, it’s essential to schedule a consultation with our team. Prior to your consultation, Dr. Sam Sukkar’s team of Patient Care Coordinators will help guide you every step of the way so preparing for your procedure will be as seamless as possible. During your liposuction consultation, Dr. Sukkar will assess your overall health, medical history, and aesthetic goals to determine if you are a good candidate. It will also allow you to ask questions, discuss any concerns, and learn more about your treatment options. This is the perfect time to discuss expected outcomes, risks, recovery time, and cost. Discussing lifestyle and dietary habits is important to ensure you are committed to long-term results. To schedule your personal consultation, call (281) 940-1535 or fill out this form.

Preparing for Liposuction

To prepare for the procedure, you will typically need to follow a healthy diet and exercise routine for at least six weeks before the procedure. In some cases, our team may recommend taking certain medications or supplements. You may need to limit activities and exercise for several weeks before and after the procedure to ensure proper healing and recovery. You may also need to quit smoking, if applicable. 

As the procedure is performed under anesthesia, it is recommended that patients arrange for someone to drive them home afterward. This is to ensure their safety and reduce the risk of complications. Our team will provide detailed instructions before surgery to ensure you are well-prepared.


Most people feel fine after liposuction and can return to their normal activities within 1-2 weeks a few days. However, it is important to rest and take it easy for the first few days after surgery. You will have some bruising and swelling in the treatment area. This is normal and will go away within a few weeks. Your surgeon will give you a compression garment to wear, which will help with the swelling. Another way to help your liposuction recovery process is to sleep on your back and prop up your head and shoulders with pillows. This will help reduce swelling.

Liposuction Houston, TX

Avoid strenuous activity, such as working out, for at least two weeks. During your recovery, smoking is also off-limits. Most people take 1-2 weeks off from work to recover. If only a small area of your body was treated, such as the chin, you may be able to return to work sooner.

Be sure to follow your surgeon’s recovery instructions carefully, as the way you handle your recovery will impact your results.


Liposuction results are usually visible immediately after surgery. However, it can take up to six months to see the full results. The final results will depend on your age, weight, skin elasticity, and the amount of fat removed.

The results of liposuction that patients usually notice first are the slimmer contours of their bodies. However, there are other benefits as well. Fat removal surgery can improve your body image and self-confidence, so when you start noticing the smallest improvements, your confidence levels will peak. When you notice the larger results, your sense of joy and overall satisfaction will be greatly enhanced.

While the fat cells removed with the procedure are permanently gone, the remaining fat cells can grow larger again if you gain weight. It’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle after liposuction to help keep your results. A healthy diet and regular exercise are essential. As long as you don’t gain weight, your results should be long-lasting.

Liposuction can also help with certain medical conditions, such as lymphedema (a condition where excess lymph fluid causes swelling in the arms or legs), so as your results start to show, you may also notice an improvement in your overall health and less swelling in your affected limbs.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures 


Liposuction is not your only option. Dr. Sukkar also offers non-surgical fat removal with CoolSculpting, also called cryolipolysis or fat freezing. While his CoolSculpting treatment is highly effective at reducing stubborn fat pockets, the results are less dramatic and take longer to see. Depending on desired outcome, this treatment generally requires 2-4 treatments per area. However, unlike liposuction, CoolSculpting has no downtime or scars. It also costs considerably less since CoolSculpting does not require anesthesia.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck addresses excess skin and muscle laxity in the abdominal area, removing excess skin and fat while tightening and repositioning the abdominal muscles for a smoother, firmer, and more toned appearance. Patients with good skin elasticity and muscle tone who want to remove excess fat generally prefer liposuction, while a tummy tuck is recommended for patients with loose, sagging skin and weakened abdominal muscles due to significant weight loss, pregnancy, or aging.

To learn more about our procedures, visit our blog. 

How Much Does Liposuction Cost in Houston?

Nationally, average price estimates range from $2,000 to $11,750 per area being treated. Liposuction cost varies depending on the amount of fat removed and the number of areas being treated. For instance, abdominal liposuction may end up costing more than getting fat removed from your face. Therefore, it is important to consult a board-certified plastic surgeon to get an accurate quote.

To find out how much liposuction costs at The Clinic for Plastic Surgery, call (281) 940-1535 or visit our contact page. 

The Ultimate Guide to Liposuction

Get Your Free Copy of Dr. Sukkar’s Comprehensive Guide to Liposuction

Discover the art and science of liposuction with an exclusive PDF book by Dr. Sukkar. This detailed guide will walk you through the process, benefits, and what you can expect from one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. Fill out the form below to download your free copy today and take the first step towards understanding your options with expert advice from a trusted source.

by Dr. Sam Sukkar

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    Throughout his career, Dr. Sukkar has regularly contributed to the field of plastic surgery. In addition to being a leading plastic surgeon, he is also an accomplished author with his book: “The Ultimate Guide to Liposuction”


    Will my fat come back after liposuction?

    Liposuction is a permanent procedure; the fat cells that are removed from your body will not grow back. However, it is possible to gain weight, resulting in the remaining fat cells in the area getting larger again. Keeping up a healthy lifestyle, with a nutritious diet and regular exercise, will be key to maintaining your results.

    How much fat can be removed with liposuction?

    The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) recommends removing no more than five liters of fat during the procedure, which equates to approximately 11 pounds.

    How many pant sizes can you lose with liposuction?

    It is not a weight-loss procedure and cannot guarantee that you will fit into a certain pants size. However, you should notice an improvement in how your clothes fit after the procedure.

    Is liposuction covered by insurance?

    No, lipo is not covered by insurance.

    Can I get liposuction while pregnant or breastfeeding?

    No, you cannot get lipo while pregnant or breastfeeding.

    Can you do anything with the fat that was removed?

    Instead of discarding the fat removed with liposuction, it can add volume to areas such as the buttocks, breasts or face. Dr. Sukkar will let you know if you are eligible for fat transfer should this interest you.

    Are liposuction scars noticeable?

    The incisions are tiny, just two to six millimeters long. Once healed, the scars are usually barely visible and should not detract from your results.

    Is liposuction painful?

    Liposuction is a surgical procedure, so each patient’s post-op comfort level can vary during recovery. 

    Will I have to wear compression garments after lipo?

    Yes, wearing surgical-grade compression garments after the procedure is highly recommended. Compression garments help reduce swelling and promote proper healing by providing support to the treated areas.

    Can I combine liposuction with other cosmetic treatments?

    Yes, lipo can be combined with other cosmetic treatments to enhance overall results. Commonly combined procedures include breast surgery, tummy tuck, and fat transfer procedures such as Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) or facial fat transfer.


    1. Bartow MJ, Raggio BS. Liposuction. PubMed. Published 2022. 
    2. de Souza Pinto EB, Chiarello de Souza Pinto Abdala P, Montecinos Maciel C, de Paula Turchiari dos Santos F, Pessoa Martello de Souza R. Liposuction and VASER. Clinics in Plastic Surgery. 2006;33(1):107-115. doi: